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How To Plant Corn And Sunflowers Together For A Beautiful And Productive Garden


Corn and sunflowers are two of the most popular garden plants, and for good reason. They're both beautiful, easy to grow, and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. But did you know that they can also be grown together?

That's right, corn and sunflowers are actually companion plants, meaning that they benefit each other when they're grown together. Corn provides sunflowers with shade, which helps to protect them from the hot sun. And sunflowers attract pollinators, which help to pollinate the corn.

So if you're looking for a way to create a beautiful and productive garden, planting corn and sunflowers together is a great option.

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Planting Corn and Sunflowers Together

Here are the steps on how to plant corn and sunflowers together:

  1. Choose a sunny spot in your garden. Corn and sunflowers need full sun to thrive.
  2. Prepare the soil. The soil should be loose and well-drained. Amend the soil with compost or manure to improve drainage and fertility.
  3. Plant the seeds. Corn seeds should be planted 1 inch deep and 4 inches apart. Sunflower seeds should be planted 1 inch deep and 6 inches apart.
  4. Water the seeds regularly. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
  5. Thin the seedlings. Once the seedlings have emerged, thin them so that they are 6 inches apart for corn and 12 inches apart for sunflowers.
  6. Fertilize the plants. Fertilize the plants every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer.
  7. Water the plants regularly. Water the plants deeply and regularly, especially during hot, dry weather.
  8. Harvest the corn and sunflowers. Corn should be harvested when the kernels are milky white. Sunflowers should be harvested when the petals have fallen off and the seeds are dry.

Benefits of Planting Corn and Sunflowers Together

There are several benefits to planting corn and sunflowers together:

  • They attract pollinators. Corn and sunflowers are both attractive to pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. This helps to ensure that your plants are pollinated, which leads to a better harvest.
  • They provide shade. Corn can provide shade for sunflowers, which helps to protect them from the hot sun. This is especially important during the summer months.
  • They improve soil quality. Corn and sunflowers both have deep roots that help to break up the soil and improve drainage. This can benefit other plants in your garden.
  • They are beautiful. Corn and sunflowers are both beautiful plants that can add a touch of color and interest to your garden.


Planting corn and sunflowers together is a great way to create a beautiful and productive garden. These two plants benefit each other, and they can add a touch of color and interest to your space. So if you're looking for a new way to garden, give corn and sunflowers a try!

Did you know that planting corn and sunflowers together can actually benefit both plants? Sunflowers help to attract pollinators, which can help to improve the pollination of the corn, resulting in a larger harvest. Additionally, sunflowers help to shade the soil, which can help to keep it cooler and moister, which is beneficial for corn.

If you're interested in learning more about planting corn and sunflowers together, I recommend visiting Garden Wiki. This website has a wealth of information on companion planting, including specific tips for planting corn and sunflowers together.

FAQ of planting corn and sunflowers together

  • Can I plant corn and sunflowers together?

Yes, you can plant corn and sunflowers together. In fact, there are many benefits to doing so. For example, sunflowers help to attract pollinators, which can help to improve the pollination of corn. Additionally, sunflowers can help to suppress weeds, which can reduce the need for herbicides.

  • What are the benefits of planting corn and sunflowers together?

There are several benefits to planting corn and sunflowers together. These include:

* Attracting pollinators: Sunflowers are a magnet for pollinators, such as bees and butterflies. These pollinators help to pollinate corn, which can lead to a better harvest.
* Suppressing weeds: Sunflowers have deep roots that help to break up compacted soil. This can help to suppress weeds, which can reduce the need for herbicides.
* Diversifying your crop rotation: Planting corn and sunflowers together can help to diversify your crop rotation. This can help to reduce the risk of pests and diseases.
  • What are the drawbacks of planting corn and sunflowers together?

There are a few potential drawbacks to planting corn and sunflowers together. These include:

* Competition for resources: Corn and sunflowers are both heavy feeders, so they may compete for water and nutrients.
* Shade: Sunflowers can cast a shadow over corn, which can reduce the amount of sunlight that corn receives.
* Diseases: Sunflowers and corn can be susceptible to the same diseases. If one crop is infected, the other crop may also be infected.
  • How should I plant corn and sunflowers together?

When planting corn and sunflowers together, it is important to consider the following factors:

* Spacing: Corn and sunflowers need different amounts of spacing. Corn should be planted 36-48 inches apart, while sunflowers should be planted 18-24 inches apart.
* Soil type: Corn and sunflowers prefer different soil types. Corn prefers a loamy soil, while sunflowers prefer a sandy soil.
* Sun exposure: Corn and sunflowers both need full sun.
  • What are some tips for growing corn and sunflowers together?

Here are some tips for growing corn and sunflowers together:

* Fertilize regularly: Corn and sunflowers are heavy feeders, so they need to be fertilized regularly.
* Water deeply and infrequently: Corn and sunflowers do not like to be overwatered. Water them deeply and infrequently.
* Control weeds: Weeds can compete with corn and sunflowers for water and nutrients. Control weeds regularly.
* Protect from pests and diseases: Corn and sunflowers can be susceptible to pests and diseases. Protect them from pests and diseases by using appropriate organic or synthetic controls.

Image of planting corn and sunflowers together

  1. Corn and sunflowers growing in a field. The corn is tall and green, and the sunflowers are just starting to bloom. Image of Corn and sunflowers growing in a field
  2. A close-up of corn and sunflowers. The corn is tasseling, and the sunflowers are opening their petals. Image of Close-up of corn and sunflowers
  3. A row of corn and sunflowers. The corn is planted in a straight line, and the sunflowers are staggered. Image of Row of corn and sunflowers
  4. A patch of corn and sunflowers. The corn and sunflowers are planted in a large area, and the flowers are a mix of yellow and orange. Image of Patch of corn and sunflowers
  5. A child picking sunflowers in a field of corn. The child is holding a bunch of sunflowers, and the corn stalks are in the background. Image of Child picking sunflowers in a field of corn
  6. A farmer harvesting corn and sunflowers. The farmer is using a combine harvester to harvest the corn, and the sunflowers are still standing in the field. Image of Farmer harvesting corn and sunflowers
  7. A view of a cornfield from above. The cornfield is a sea of green, and the sunflowers are scattered throughout. Image of View of a cornfield from above
  8. A sunset over a field of corn and sunflowers. The sun is setting, and the sky is ablaze with color. The corn and sunflowers are silhouetted against the sky. Image of Sunset over a field of corn and sunflowers
  9. A bird's-eye view of a cornfield and sunflowers. The cornfield is a patchwork of green and yellow, and the sunflowers are a bright spot of color. Image of Birds-eye view of a cornfield and sunflowers
  10. A painting of corn and sunflowers. The painting is a beautiful depiction of the two crops, and the colors are vibrant. Image of Painting of corn and sunflowers

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